Friday, May 6, 2011

Nice to meet you.

I am not sure what possessed me to want to create a blog, but here it is in all its glory.  This will more than likely be a passing phase for me, I will start a project and give it up halfway through. Since this is new, I figured I can get the introductions out of the way.  I am big on lists, so I will write this in list formatting, because it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

1. I'm shy. SO painfully shy.
2. My grammar is terrible. I blame it on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. (Don't judge me!)
3. I am a procrastinator. Terribly. I will put things off just because I can.
4. I'm OCD. Once I have it in my head that something should be a certain way, it must be that way or I will  go days without sleeping until it is accomplished, then everything becomes right in my world again.
5. I'm messy, which is extremely contradictory to the fact that I am OCD.
6. I'm scatter-brained- and forgetful.
7. I like to think that I am a creative person, but when it comes down to executing my creativity, I fail. I need to create a team of go to people, spout off my ideas and have a crafty friend, a friend that can sew, one who can build, another who can paint, one to draw and then- I will truly be able to put it all together.
8. I'm terrible at execution. I get great ideas,  build them up in my head, then they never culminate to what I want them to and I'm terribly disappointed.
9. I'm a book worm. I can get lost in books for days.
10. I am a terrible cook, but I am learning.
11. I love cars. They are just so cool. Sometimes, I'm disappointed by how uncool the people driving them are though.
12. I am obsessed with round numbers. I think this goes back to my OCD, I can't leave anything off on an odd number. It is painful!

Whew! Glad I could get that out there. My day now being complete, I will go back to what I was doing. Which, was absolutely nothing. I'm not sure yet what I plan to accomplish here, but if I get any good at this, I may actually share it. Then, everyone will come back to this first post and say "Wow, what was she thinking?"

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